
Find your ancestry
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Philippe Chapelin - Genealogist
Each year, family genealogists process several hundred files for individuals interested in discovering their origins and the history of their family. These pages want to answer certain questions that individuals ask, but also the administrations with which the genealogist is in constant contact.
I want to know
Historical and genealogical search
Since 1995
Do you need a professional genealogist?
We have been providing our services since 1995, dedicated exclusively to searching for your ancestors in France. We do not limit ourselves to proposing database consultation to you: we search for a safe and reliable source.
Know my services
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Study of a last name

The purpose of this option is to make a complete study of a last name in France.

Find a family

This option will allow you to locate a family if it's of French origin and if you don't know what area it comes from.

Family tree

This chapter is dedicated to the ancestry of French immigrants.

Historical and biographical research

The genealogical search will be complemented, carrying out studies in more specialized sources.

Real estate and property history

We investigate the origin and history of a property or land for informational or business purposes.

Companies history

Your company has a history, we help you rebuild it from its foundation.



Each year, family genealogists process several hundred files for individuals interested in discovering their origins and the history of their family. These pages want to answer certain questions that individuals ask, but also the administrations with which the genealogist is in constant contact.