You may need this service in the case of a sale, an estate settlement or simply to document the history of the property. Example of a directory of documents needed for the property survey Excerpt from a table
Through the different sections of this blog – especially the section “Herodote” (in French) – one can see the range of possible investigations, beyond the reconstitution of the family tree. Here we take at random some examples of research that
The republican calendar was officially adopted on October 24, 1793, that is to say more than one year after the advent of the First Republic (thus no Year I !), after a long debate enters the mathematicians Romme and Monge,
Professor Didier Raoult, an infectiologist at the Marseille University Hospital who emerged amidst the din linked to the Coronavirus epidemic, may have appeared strangely detached and insensitive to fears, while being determined to treat as many people as possible. So
Potato starch since the middle of the 19th century, the Nigay company has become, after an exceptional conversion, the leading company in Europe in the industrial candy sector. The Nigerians continue to assert the family nature of the business.
Today part of the Lhoist family group, born in Belgium, the company Balthazard et Cotte is linked to the tradition of lime production in the Grenoble region.